Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How to Remove Biases and Empower Women in the Workplace



Women make up almost half the workforce and receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Even so, on average women make less than men by at least 20 percent (more for minorities) in every single occupation where the data is available. No matter what industry you work in: It’s time to reinvent the company model.Beth Monaghan, CEO of InkHouse, is a passionate advocate for gender equality both inside and outside of the office. She has served on a Women in the Workplace Taskforce and she’s currently the Vicechair of The Alliance for Business Leadership. Recently, Inkhouse worked on the nationwide Women’s March in January.Tune into this episode to better understand what systemic changes need to take place at work if we truly want to see women hold equal footing to men on the job. In This Episode How workplace environments reward masculine behaviors Simple ways businesses can reinvent how they approach the gender divide The ways in which women can—and should—embrace who they are at work How men can be bet