Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Your Gut Health Impacts Your Overall Mind and Body Wellness



As entrepreneurs, we go into business for a variety of reasons. Maybe we’ve always wanted to be our own boss, or we wake up in the middle of the night with an idea we can’t put down. But some entrepreneurs, like Jamie Morea, go into business because they have a truly transformative life experience they simply have to share with the world. When Jamie Morea was on a plane midway between Guatemala and Thailand, she got very, very sick. Nausea, extreme fatigue, and a distended belly came over her like a wave—and it didn’t let up for six months. Doctors narrowed down that her problem was somehow digestive. Jamie started to do her own research and what she uncovered about how environmental factors, medical history, and diet impact gut health—and in turn how gut health affects our overall well-being—changed her life. Finally, a specialist in New York discovered the culprit of her illness: a rare parasite. But even so, what she learned about the bacteria in her digestive system set her on a path to change her life an