Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Moms Can Find Better Work/Life Balance in Their Career



This episode is dedicated to all those women in the workforce who are trying to strike the perfect balance between their professional life and personal life, to those women who want to be empowered in their career and still carve out significant time for their partner and children. I’m one of them, and so is today’s guest.   Suzanne Brown is a strategic marketing and business consultant, speaker, and an expert on and an advocate for professional part-time working moms. She's also the author of a new book that's coming out in September, called Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-time Working Moms Who Balance Career and Family.   In this episode of Women Worldwide, Suzanne encourages all the mothers in our audience to think differently about their career approach, plus explains how employers can (and why they should) support women who choose a part-time or flexible career path.   In This Episode Research that supports part-time work schedules for moms The mindset shift women need if they w