Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Ways Entrepreneurs Can Embrace the Inevitability of Change



Today on Women Worldwide, I’d like to discuss the challenges that come from change. Change is a constant in the life of an entrepreneur, and with change comes ambiguity, surprises, personal fears—sometimes it can really feel as if you’ve been upended.   Our guest Kristina DiPalo is the founder and driving force behind DailyWorkLife. Having worked in corporate America for many years, first in financial services, then in pharmaceuticals and HR, Kristina finally launched her own consulting firm, Elysian Communications, in 2011. Her firm focuses on two main objectives: helping companies deal with big change and helping leaders become better reflections of their true selves through coaching.   Follow along as Kristina shares the personal truths all entrepreneurs must understand, why women leaders need built up in business more than ever, and how her own personal career has been one of happy accidents.   In This Episode How gender differences affect politics, company cultures, and the way we communicate The danger