Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Diana Liberto Shares the Power of a Nice, Long (and Productive!) Walk



When was the last time that you took a really long walk to clear your mind? I find that walking is a great way to get my body moving, to lessen stress, and to provide myself with a much-needed sense of calm.   With that in mind, today’s guest is a woman after my own heart. Diana Liberto is a big proponent of getting up off the couch and walking. So much so that she founded Walk My Mind, a platform that provides walking, learning, listening and community all in an effort to promote a healthy lifestyle. Walk My Mind focuses on engaging the mind with walkcasts, audiobooks and live guest speakers, which you listen to while you're up and moving. Prior to launching her platform, Diana was an in-house counsel at a Fortune 100 company.   Diana shares how her life has impacted her career, her definition of success, and the power of going for a nice long walk.   In This Episode The profound impact taking a simple walk can have Challenges women face across industries How Diana’s childhood influenced her career journey