Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

A Classroom Without Walls, Learning From Big Change With Ai Zhang



Today we are discussing a tough subject: change! In our lives, we often go through periods of great change, but the more important issue is whether or not we are successful on the other side of these transitions. To be successful requires flexibility, adaptability, and a will to move beyond our comfort zones. Luckily, on today’s episode of Women Worldwide, we are speaking with Dr. Ai Zhang!Ai Zhang is a professor of public relations and social media who has previously taught at Stockton University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is currently based in South Korea, and while she continues to teach, she now also serves as a Digital Learning consultant, Blogger, Speaker, Live-streamer, and as the host of her own Facebook Live show.Today Ai shares big changes in education and how she is using technology and social media to disrupt the traditional classroom setting. We are also talking about taking risks, manifesting your best life, and embracing change. Stay tuned to learn how Ai has come to love the person cha