Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Having the Courage to Be a Creative Marketer With Drew Neisser



You may be storytelling about your brand, but are you a courageous marketer? Do you have what it takes to cut through the clutter? Courage is something that we need to embrace today, especially if you are a marketer. How do we make a brand stand out? How do we get recognized? CMOs have to have both sides of their brain working. My guest today is Drew Neisser the founder and CEO of Renegade, a marketing company that helps courageous CMOs cut through the clutter. Drew is a strategist and writer who has helped dozens of CMOs unleashed their inner renegade. He has told the stories of over 300 marketers via his AdAge column, his book The CMO’s Periodic Table: A Renegade’s Guide to Marketing, and his podcast called Renegade Thinkers Unite. Show Notes [04:09] Drew's first taste of marketing was when he was in college. He created flyers and passed them out at Duke University when he was running a film event. [04:36] To his surprise, his tactic worked and people came to the theater. [05:39] Working at an agency Drew