Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Being a Go-Giver by Serving Others with Bob Burg



Bob Burg is here today to talk about being a Go-Giver. Bob is a top-producing salesperson and former television personality. He speaks at conferences to huge crowds of 15,000 plus people. Many of his audience members have been influential people including a former president. He is the author of sales and leadership books including Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales and Adversaries into Allies. He is also an author of the popular Go-Giver books which have sold over 800,000 copies. He was also named one of the 30 Most Influential Leaders by The American Management Association. Listen in, so you can learn how to up your sales by being a Go-Giver. Show Notes [04:21] Bob began in broadcasting and then moved to late night news. [05:38] He then graduated into sales. He floundered for a while until he found books by Tom Hawkins and Zig Ziglar. [06:25] He became interested in selling and having a system that would get him from point A to B. He also became involved in personal development. [0