Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

iX Leadership and Culture Transformation



We hear a lot about the customer experience, but should you start with the customer experience? Maybe it would be better to start with the internal experience of your own people. My guests today are Dr. Rachel MK Headley and Meg Manke they are senior partners at Rose Group Int'l where they developed their proprietary leadership framework. This allows leaders to solve team problems, address generational issues, manage changes, and address goals. They are also co-authors of iX Leadership: Create High-Five Cultures and Guide Transformation. Rachel is a Mensa PhD scientist, a Project Management Professional, TEDx speaker, and is on the Council of Trustees for South Dakota State University. Meg is a culture and leadership expert with years of experience leading companies through transitions, mergers, acquisitions, and behavior-based training. I am so excited to have them here today to talk about iX Leadership and culture transformation. Show Notes [03:19] Meg and Rachel were in some of the same leadership groups.