Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

From Architect to Non-Profit Founder with Sateria Venable



Fibroids will affect 70% to 80% of women at some point in their lives. For some, it’s a very serious condition that requires surgery and lifestyle changes. Yet, many aren’t familiar with the condition and don’t know how to get help even when they are experiencing symptoms. My guest today is Saterial Venable. Sateria was diagnosed with fibroids in her 20’s. She had trouble finding information about the condition and treatment options. She became her own advocate and is now a patient advocate for all women suffering from fibroids. She began her working career as an architect, but it was her calling to be a patient advocate, entrepreneur, founder, and social media strategist. She started The Fibroid Foundation and is passionately helping women find the answers and treatment that they so desperately need. Show Notes [02:42] Sateria is an architect who doesn't have a medical background. [02:53] She was diagnosed with uterine fibroids when she was in her 20s. This health challenge is what brought her here to us to