Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Exploring Career Wanderlust and Being a Lifelong Learner with John Lim



How do you go from lawyer to actor to entrepreneur and podcaster? Find out with my next guest who is an expert in wanderlust. John Lim is an entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, author, and podcaster who I had the pleasure of connecting with on Twitter. John is a lifelong learner, and began his first career as an attorney at the age of 25. While developing his presentation skills, he stumbled upon his interest in acting. Through a series of events he ended up being on National Geographic, the History Channel, and commercials. He also played Sulu on Star Trek the Next Voyage across from George Takei. John shares his journey and explains how he ended up becoming an entrepreneur and podcaster. Show Notes [04:30] John's career wanderlust has been more of a reflection of his own journey. [06:05] When John was in law school, he took an acting class because he thought it would help his career. [06:51] He fell in love with acting. [07:27] He was an attorney at 25 years old. He chose the wrong firm, and he was unhappy. [08:58