Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Being Nice Can Be Your Superpower with Fran Hauser



Fran Hauser the author of The Myth of the Nice Girl is here today to talk about how being nice can be your superpower. Today's episode is about speaking up and being assertive and finding your voice while still being kind. Fran is an author, speaker, and a media executive. She is an entrepreneur investor and the founder of Hauser Ventures.   She has held many senior positions at some of the world's largest digital media businesses including People, In Style, Entertainment Weekly, and AOL. She is now a startup investor who largely invests in female entrepreneurs. She was named one of Business Insiders 30 Women in Venture Capital to Watch. Show Notes [03:14] About five years ago friend was working at Time Inc as an executive running digital for women's brands at the company. [03:41] She realized the part of her job that she liked the most was meeting with technology-based startups. [04:16] She realized that even if they didn't partner, she spent a lot of time advising the founders on their business models. Sh