Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Strategies to Avoid Empty Nest Syndrome with Samantha Lewis



Parents can sometimes get so wrapped up in caring for their children that they lose their own identity. This can become a problem once the children leave home, and the parent suffers from empty nest syndrome. My guest today is a life coach, corporate wellness practitioner, and facilitator of special programs to help us become happy or regain our happiness. Samantha Lewis was so inspired from hearing a motivational speaker years ago, that she now travels the world coaching and helping others. While working with clients, she discovered that empty nest syndrome was a problem for many. She now works with clients and gives them the tools to discover what makes them happy and brings the fun and joy back into their lives. She also shares tools and questions to help improve communication and start living in the present. Show Notes [04:53] Samantha was inspired by a motivational speaker that she heard years ago. She decided that she also wanted to do that. [06:08] Samantha became a single mom, and she wanted to add t