Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Finding the Magic and the Radiance Within Yourself with Emily Pereira



Emily Pereira was living the perfect life, but deep down she knew that something didn’t feel right. When her life and relationship came crashing down, she realized that perfection wasn’t the answer, it was the problem. She went on a quest to find her real life’s passion and through writing and creativity, she discovered her authentic self and true happiness. Emily is a life and love coach, author, creator, retreat leader, mother, and an advocate for finding creative passion within to live your true magical and radiant life. She lives in a magical world in Costa Rica with her partner and her daughter. She now allows her creativity to flow and helps other women do the same. You will laugh and be inspired with this wonderful conversation I have with Emily. Show Notes: [03:09] Emily is a mompreneur who holds retreats in Costa Rica. [03:23] About 10 years ago, Emily started wondering when she was going to do something that truly mattered to her. [05:12] She worked for a Fortune 500 company and lived on the beach