Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Breaking Free from the Bonds of Anxiety with Stephanie Dalfonzo



Statistics show that anxiety is on the rise for Americans and for younger people. Conditions such as anxiety and insomnia can have a negative effect on our lives and prevent us from doing what we want to do or just make life more challenging than it needs to be. Fortunately, I have anxiety expert Stephanie Dalfonzo on the show today. Stephanie has an interesting story and career trajectory. She began working as a DJ, then she started a hypnosis practice and now she helps people overcome their issues with anxiety. Stephanie is the author of Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom, and it’s such a pleasure to have her on the show. She shares techniques and wisdom to start fighting anxiety with simple practices that anyone can do. She has so much knowledge to share and this episode is packed with wisdom and resources. Show Notes: [03:33] About 20 years ago, Stephanie was a celebrity radio DJ. She developed insomnia and went to the doctor and got a prescription. The prescription worked but only for a short time. [04:52]