Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Tapping Into Your Mom GPS to Release Fear and Anxiety and Give Your Child Support



Most moms want to be great supportive moms, but how do you do that? My guest today, is an energy healer who believes that to give your kids the support they need, you need to come from a place of freedom. Laura Hackel uses crystal bowl healing sessions, ceramic vessels, and crystals to raise vibrations and assist with healing. We talk about what all of this actually means and how to be a better mom using “mom GPS,” as Laura calls it. She shares her story of how she found this calling and explains how energy healing, vibrations, and trauma all tie together. This is a fascinating look into looking at life in a different way to benefit yourself and those around you.  Show Notes: [04:07] Laura majored in computer science, but quickly learned she liked talking to people. She got a job at a startup where she could talk to people. She worked in staffing and ran different departments, but as the company grew she knew she wanted something else. [05:08] Her identity was tied in to who she was at work. She started taki