Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Reaching Your Full Potential with Sheila Murphy



Are you reaching your full potential? What does this even mean? How do you find your flow and feel more fulfilled? Sheila Murphy spent a really long time in Corporate America. She was a senior legal counsel at a Fortune 50 company. She trained teams, built leaders, and knew what clients were looking for in their lawyers and their law firms.  Today, she is a coach and career consultant specializing in working with lawyers and law firms to help them reach their full potential. Which means building a book of business, developing their networks, and their reputations. She is also the founder of Focus Foreword, LLC. Sheila shares her story and we talk about how it’s possible to find a career that you really love. Show Notes: [03:45] After years in the corporate world, Sheila felt like she wasn't being challenged anymore. [04:01] She started talking to her network and thinking about what she was good at and what she loved to do. [04:38] The core of her being was to help people develop and empower them to reach the