Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

The Journey to a Best Seller with Paul Brodie



Have you ever had a story you wanted to tell but you had no idea how to get it out to the masses? Have you ever felt like you didn’t know where to start? My guest today did it on his own and took his book Eat Less and Move More to the best sellers list along with two more books that also had the same level of success.  The journey made him realize that it's not easy to write a book, get it edited, published and marketed with limited resources. He thought why not do something that would help others in the same situation and so Brody Consulting Group was born. Paul Brody is the founder and CEO of Brody Consulting Group. He works with his clients to write, publish and market their books with a proven system he designed. He is also the host of the Get Published podcast.  We chat about his journey in writing his books and taking them to the best sellers list on his own steam and how that experience catapulted him into the business he leads today. Show Notes: [03:32] A health crisis caused Paul to reevaluate his