Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Building an Unbreakable Bond in Your Business



Keeping in touch and building bonds with people takes communication, patience and dedication. In business and in your personal life consistency in communication is a must. My guest today has a network of 5,000 lawyers to communicate with. She says that there are many ways to communicate with people if you take the time and put in the effort.  Lindsay Griffiths is the International Lawyers Network Director of Global Relationship Management. She works closely with the Network’s Executive Director on oversight and management of day to day operations of the ILN.  In her role, she develops and facilitates relationships among INL member firm lawyers at 90+ law firms in 67 countries. She seeks opportunities for member firms to build business and relationships while ensuring member participation in Network events and initiatives. Today we talk about how relationships are needed at every level and what we do now can ensure that we have the best people around us later. We also chat about how her future promotion is aff