Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Entrepreneurs - Get Social and Learn How to Enjoy It!



Priya Nembhard and Joan Pelzer couldn’t have approached becoming entrepreneurs in more different ways. Priya has been a serial entrepreneur since 2003 when she and her husband created their first business. Joan, on the other hand, happened into the entrepreneurial life by chance and hasn’t lost the bug for a moment since.  It wasn’t until the two came together to create media magic, that they realized their true passion and purpose in this space. When they met and came together it was as if all of the pieces of a puzzle slid into place. They now create a radio and YouTube talk show called Follow Me Friday and have truly learned the beauty of creating a brand and following on their own terms. Listen in as Priya and Joan discuss the evolution of Follow Me Friday, why their partnership has bolstered their personal businesses, and why embracing various media has taken their show and their businesses to the next level.  They both admit that your branding is the foundation upon which your business should be built.