Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

One Woman Impacting Law Enforcement, Intelligence, and the World



In the course of our 250 episodes (can you believe it?) on Women Worldwide, you’ve heard from successful and impactful women in business, politics, entertainment, and many other challenging industries. Now it’s time to chat with a high-powered woman from the law enforcement and intelligence field. This is a field that historically and today has been male dominated for a variety of reasons, but Lauren Anderson decided that there was no reason she couldn’t make it in intelligence as well. Lauren grew up in a home where she was always told that she could do or be whatever she wanted. The sky was the limit for her dreams and ambitions and, looking back, she realizes that those dreams always pointed in the general direction of intelligence. She didn’t immediately start down that path however, she first decided that becoming a doctor was her calling. After spending several miserable years studying medicine, she switched paths.  After and during her amazing career with the FBI, Lauren has moved her focus to helping