Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Why Clarity is the Key to Getting Heard and Referred



What does it mean to find clarity in your life and your business? Steve Woodruff, the King of Clarity, joins me to discuss just that. You won’t want to miss his valuable pieces of information on why you should find clarity and how. Steve has spent the last 30 years helping businesses, small and large, to get on the same page with their message both internally and externally. There are five questions that many companies don’t take the time to ask themselves about what they do, who they do it for, how they do it, and why.  One of his biggest dreams is that all companies start asking and answering these questions at the C-suite level, or the top of their organization. Once your leadership is clear on the company message, it can be filtered down to every employee. When everyone is on the same page, your clients and customers will always feel that the message they receive is consistent.  If you have no idea where to start, think first about what it is you want to do. You cannot find clarity with your message if yo