Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Important is Culture in the Workplace?



These days most people have no intention to stay with a company for more than a couple of years. In fact, if you go into any business class across the nation, you’ll hear the students being encouraged not to stay with a company for more than a few years. Crystal Martinez, however, has climbed the ladder at one company from high school to now. Listen as she shares why she’s stayed, how they’ve built a family, and the challenges she has faced by taking on more responsibility. When Crystal started at Fieldwork Anywhere she was in high school and had no clue she’d still be there, all these years later. She met her husband and best friend while working there and has managed to climb the proverbial corporate ladder all the way to becoming the President of Fieldwork Webwork. All of this has been made possible by the family-style culture that has been built over the years. Climbing the corporate ladder has not been without its challenges though. As she’s gained responsibility, she’s had to adjust her relationships wi