Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Flying Solo: Tips, Tools, and Advice on the FEEL First Model



It’s been a while since I’ve done a solo show, but it’s time to dig deep into the FEEL First Model. This topic is heavy-hitting and so important to the future of your organization and hiring practices. You see, Millennials are coming up through the rank and they need different things from the generations before them to make them feel happy and valued.  You’ve heard me talk about FEEL First Model several times because we’ve spent a lot of time and energy to create a truly meaningful tool for reflecting on your beliefs and actions. We track and measure your ability to face your fears, communicate with empathy, use ethics and good judgment and discover your love for your mission. We polled and chatted with several millennials to get a better feel of what they need and want in the workplace. The typical corporate processes no longer hold up when it comes to the new workforce. For instance, the corporate system of keeping quiet and holding onto secrets no longer works. Your employees have spent years in school nav