Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Are You Feeling Stuck?



Your mindset is the key to finding your passion and your purpose. Hazel Ortega grew up in one of the worst areas of Los Angeles and didn’t realize that her upbringing was keeping her from living out her dreams. In many ways, her past kept her from dreaming at all.  Fast-forward several years to a time when she was working as a legal secretary. She sustained an on the job injury that threatened her entire livelihood and took the opportunity to complete her education. Later on, she went back to school and finished high school. She then completed her associates, her bachelors, and went on to complete her Ph.D. As her education expanded her confidence grew and grew, but she was still stuck in a place devoid of dreams.  Hazel confronted her issues with the past and began manifesting the dreams she’d suppressed her entire life. The rest as they say, was history. Listen in as Hazel shares how she shifted her mindset to focus on her dreams and why that has resulted in life-changing opportunities.  Hazel’s story is so