Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Do You Handle Traumatic Experiences?



When you hear the word “trauma” what do you immediately think of? For so many of us, we think of major life events, big hurts, and huge feelings. But trauma is caused by all hurts because it has more to do with how our brain reacts to pain than what causes the pain.  Dr. Alauna is a trauma psychiatrist and she advocates for building a set of skills to deal with trauma rather than prescribing pills. She’s studied trauma and psychology for over a decade and spent much of that time helping our US Military veterans. Building a stronger set of skills designed to help you process trauma in many cases alleviates the need for medications. Dr. Alauna has been researching the best methods and skills to develop for years and now uses evidence-based practices to help her clients live healthier, less anxious lives.  Listen as she shares what trauma truly is, why it’s important to understand how your body reacts to trauma, and ways you can process trauma in a healthy way. She’s digging deep into the science behind how our