Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Print or Digital: What’s the Best Way to Read?



As we all know, Covid has highlighted the disparities in the school system in every single state. Prior to Covid however there were already people working to bridge the gap. Abby Daly is one of those people. She is the Founder of Bridge of Books and is working to get physical books into the hands of children all over New Jersey. Abby started out her career in the legal profession. She knew once she had kids however that she didn’t want to stay. Luckily she was able to pivot and is now working on a cause near and dear to her heart.  Bridge of Books has been putting donated books into the hands of underserved kids in the state of New Jersey for over 20 years and in that time they’ve been able to move millions of books.  Listen as Abby shares more about the Foundation, her TEDx Talk, and how Covid has had them making changes to their operations. It has been proven that children who have access to books are able to adapt and develop more easily than those who don’t.  Abby’s mission is one of gold. If you want to