Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Are You Going Live?



If you’re running a business, then it is time to start investing in becoming a better storyteller. Stop relying on the marketing gobbledygook and start relating to your clients and customers in a real way. Christoph Trappe is one of the foremost experts on just this and he’s sharing his thoughts on Going Live. Christoph has spent years helping businesses to tell their stories more effectively and to better reach their ideal audiences. What has that meant in recent years? It has meant taking static marketing methods and making them more dynamic by changing the delivery. He is now a global top 14 content marketer and top 100 online marketer. He loves the beauty and challenge of content marketing campaigns because at the end of the day, they last. Content really is king in marketing but only if you’re making the right content for your business. Listen as he shares his thoughts on content but more specifically why live streaming is the best way to create content these days. He’s also sharing his tips for creatin