Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Is Your Company Staying Connected While Working Remotely?



Vulnerability in leadership. They seem like two completely disconnected concepts but what Terese Lam has found is that vulnerability builds trust. That is the key to keeping your company connected while working remotely. Terese Lam started her life and her journey in Australia. She had a love for culture and HR and made her career in building company relationships. Through a series of fortunate events, she made her way to the U.S. and is now the Chief People Officer of Wind River.  While she’d already had a fairly vast remote team, there were still opportunities within the company to visit both remote and in-person teams. This past year took all that away. What has she done to keep her teams connected and thriving?  They have definitely incorporated more Zoom meetings but it’s the content of the meetings that have really changed. Instead of getting right to business, time is spent just getting to know more about her team, their lives, their struggles, and how they’re feeling about their world and work.  That