Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

The Journey to Self-Love and Acceptance



Emily Rapp Black is back on the show to share all about her journey to self-love and acceptance through writing her most recent book, Frida Kahlo and My Left Leg. She is an author and creative writing professor who is helping others by sharing her own experience and expertise.  Her most recent book was imagined after she spent time at the Frida Kahlo museum. Their shared experience with life-long pain and disability spoke to her and she felt the need to share more about her own story.  She joins me today to chat about her newest book and why she was driven to reveal even more about her life. The path to self-love and acceptance is not straight. It’s truly a journey that we are living out each and every day.  It’s perfectly normal to find yourself backsliding into self-doubt, but you should have ways to get back on track. Her latest book digs deep into the journey and ways to keep yourself moving forward in your journey.  Listen in to hear more about Emily’s story, what she’s up to next, and why if you feel a