
James Tolley: Surviving Adulthood



The newest episode of the GrUBcast is up!   Today’s episode features one of the funniest people I know, James Tolley, and how he’s been able to cope with depression and survive the struggles of transitioning to adulthood, all while maintaining a positive outlook on life through every obstacle that comes his way.   We’re often faced with new struggles every day, especially after leaving school and being forced to navigate the “real world”. Today's episode features James Tolley, one of the most talented people I know, and we discuss the hardships he’s faced during some very formative moments of transition that many people deal with when approaching the inevitable stage of adulthood. This is one of the funniest, tragic, and most informative episodes I’ve ever done and I know you all will appreciate his story.    Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who migh