
Malik Mack: The Foundations of Mr. Entreprenoir pt. 2



The newest episode of the GrUBcast is up!   Today’s episode is part 2 of last week’s GrUBcast with serial entrepreneur Malik "Mr. Entreprenoir" Mack. In this 2nd half we talk about the remainder of Malik’s businesses and practical advice on how to start your own side hustles.   Often when people first have an idea for a business, they have little idea on how or where to get started. That small seed of uncertainty sometimes develops into a tree of doubt and prevents us from even getting on the road to pursuing our dreams. During today’s episode Malik and I continue our conversation and discuss how he was able to start these businesses while working a 9 to 5, the motivations behind everything he does, and how he’s constantly able to overcome small moments of defeat and redirect his energy. This 2nd half is even more engaging than the first so I know you’ll enjoy the rest of this episode.   Be sure to follow us on Spotify, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! Tha