
James Austen: Finding a Place in Placelessness



The newest episode of the GrUBcast is up!   Today’s episode features my good friend and aspiring director James Austen as we discuss what it meant to grow up biracial, how he’s come to define his identity, and how his background has inspired him to pursue his passion to direct.    Growing up, it sometimes feels like society is constantly trying to force you into one box. If you play sports you must be a jock, or if you work in corporate America you can’t also be an artist. But as we grow older we should realize that identity is dynamic. What happens when you fit in multiple boxes? And how do define who you are when there are limited representations of what you could be? Today I spoke with director James Austen on what it was like to grow up half-black and half-white/Jewish, the thoughts he’s faced as he’s defined his own space in the world, and how cooking shows inspire his style of directing (it sounds a little off the wall but the explanation was extremely enlightening). We had a great, raw conversation and