
Darius Glover: Sexuality and the Spectrum of Blackness



Happy Friday and Happy GrUBday fam!   It’s #Pride Month and today we have another great conversation ahead with Mr. Darius Glover discussing his journey as a gay black man, intersectionality, and the importance of finding/creating a community that encourages you to truly be yourself.    Homosexuality has always been a subject rarely talked about in the black community, especially amongst heterosexual black men. In my childhood I don't remember having even one conversation that discussed being gay in a positive light. As a result many people of color often grow up ignorant to the subject and toxic masculinity has continued to thrive. On this episode Darius and I talk about how he's developed his identity over the years, the part New York played in helping him come into himself, and the overall importance of never hiding who you are. The conversation is as enjoyable as it is enlightening and I have no doubt that you will enjoy every minute of it.    Be sure to follow us on Spotify, rate us on iTunes and continu