
Soundbites Ep. 15: Keep Doing What You're Doing



Happy Tuesday GrUBfam! We’ve got the last segment of Soundbites to close out season 3 and today I want to encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing.*   *If you believe you’re already putting your best foot forward   Every month I'll talk about a topic that’s been running through my head, I'll discuss a couple of the top news stories of the month, and then I'll close it out with your monthly dose of positivity.    Sometimes in life we’re faced with a challenge (or multiple) and we never know exactly what we’re supposed to do. Then we may start to feel stagnant and forget to realize the fullness of our progression thus far. We often forget to reflect and recognize how far we have come, not only as individuals, but also how far we’ve come from the foundations set by generations prior. To close out the season I wanted to share a little bit about my family story that will hopefully inspire you all. Today I want to encourage you to put your best foot forward and if you believe you already are, keep doing what