
GrUBdate: Legacy



Happy GrUBday ya'll! Newest episode (and last one for season 4) is now up!    Thank you all for your patience over the past year. I just wanted to give you all an update on what's been going on with the GrUBcast, what future plans are, and as an added bonus give you all an episode featuring yours truly. Really hope y'all enjoy.   As a token of appreciation, all GrUB shirts are 50% off when you use the code GRUBFAM on the site for the rest of the week! On 8/26 they'll be 20% off till the end of the month. Don't miss out! Check out TTV Radio here and show my guy Tolley some love:   And with that said ya'll, I'll see you back in September for Season 5 (!), much love, and as always keep eating.