Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 34



It's December already and things are gearing up for the Christmas season. This episode I take a little doctor visit as I seek medical help for my strep throat. Korey Anderson also stops by the studio and records a couple of songs for a Worlds of Wayne exclusive. As we are getting things together for our Christmas specials, I am asking my listening audience to call the show and leave a message I can play on an episode in December. You can leave a Christmas greeting and make it sexy, funny, stupid, silly, or whatever you want. Just call the number below: 402.216.0843Also, if you like the show, please go to iTunes and leave me a review! Just click here:    Worlds of Wayne on iTunesThe more reviews we can give the show, the better chances we have of getting it a higher ranking on iTunes.Win an official Worlds of Wayne button by doing either of the above! Thanks to NOBS for supplying us with these high quality 1-inch me with your name and address to get your button today!Order more for just a buck each!