Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 36 - WoW Christmas Special



A Christmas Carol!Well, we did it. Dubbing ourselves the Empty Bottle Theatre Group, I assembled a cast of my closest friends to perform something that I have wanted to do for a long time, a live, old-time radio serial. When I asked everyone if they were interested, I got back an enthusiastic response, but since everyone was so busy this season, we had to improvise. So here is the theme, some characters were changed around and everyone got an un-edited script. It was one I found online that was used in Orson Well's original radio drama. Everyone was responsible for editing their own lines and could do whatever they wanted. We got together and ran through one scene, changed a few characters off the cuff, cracked open a few bottles of wine and ran with it. So what you are hearing is a completely un-rehearsed, ad libbed version of A Christmas Carol. You can tell that as it nears the end of the show, we all are getting drunker and drunker...I did very little editing and we all just had a blast. Granted MY ACCENTS