Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 39



Brad Hoshaw joins me in the studio and co-hosts the show. We feature music from Brad including an exclusive live performance of "Overflowed Gutters", we talk about all things Brad and get to know the man behind the beard just a little better. It's engaging, entertaining, humorous,  heartwarming and at the very least - interesting. Tim MacMahan also makes an in studio appearance and reads his article that was published in the Reader that includes Brad Hoshaw and offers an assortment of musical revelations and...well, you just have to hear it. (Sorry the audio is a bit lower quality on this segment - Helpful podcasting tip: Make sure all your cables are properly plugged in...)As you can see, I have changed up the look of the site and am now posting logo links for sponsors that have helped out the show. If you would like to help sponsor the show and enjoy the ginormous benefits of being linked to the show site, then drop me an email. The FLICK ARMY is introduced this episode. You can be a part of the Flick Army