Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 44



The picture above is obviously not my guest Tim McMahan -- it's the singer for the Alligators, an Ohio based band featured on the show. There is actually no documented footage of the elusive "T-Mac" as he has become known in certain elitist circles...Legends abound about this writer, blogger and music aficionado, some say there are no known photos of him as he thinks pictures could "steal his soul," others say that he has been seen paling around with Warren Buffet and Bono at Sunday morning brunches at the Del, still others claim he isn't even real at all...One thing is sure, I managed to lure Tim into my studio with promises of warm delicious coffee and good conversation...The plan worked, though I was told - "No photos"...We talk about music journalism, what's on our iPods, the dirty business of interviews and play lots of great music...So sit back and enjoy learning more about Omaha's true "Man of Mystery"...Music:Tilly and the Wall - "Beat Control"The Third Men - "High"Fizzle Like a Flood - "Believe in Be