Retail Demi-god

Customer Experience



Companies compete for our cash. This entitles us to more bang for our buck. Our sundae glass is filled with quality goods, but to compete, companies must serve it will sprinkles and a cherry on top- in other words, our entire ‘customer experience‘, in-store and online must be sweet. A Gartner survey found that, in 2017, 89% of companies compete mostly on the basis of customer experience, versus 36% only four years ago. “Voice of the Customer” collects an abundance of customer feedback, allowing my company to deliver an even better customer experience. Exploring this topic has altered my values. Every interaction with a customer is my time to shine. How can I provide an awesome experience for the customer in front of me? What is their shopping journey like- how can our team elevate the experience for all? Maybe our new role, is to bring the earth bound customer, closer to heaven. What a delightful use of energy. Nadine Thomas Retail Demi-God