Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 2 - Unbundled, Transparent Legal Services with LawTrades Ashish Walia



Ashish Walia is the Co-Founder & COO at LawTrades. LawTrades aims to decentralise the traditional legal hiring process through providing an amazing marketplace of attorneys with domain experience in the startup world having worked with companies from the likes of YC, Techstars and 500. The marketplace connects people in need of legal services with experienced attorneys, making the process of hiring a lawyer more transparent and affordable. Ashish is also the Host of The Ashish Walia Show, a podcast dedicated to interviewing the latest and greatest world changing entrepreneurs Key Takeaways: [1:45] What type of services most LawTrades clients are needing [4:35] Why LawTrades doesn't do billable hours and what range of pricing they have [9:15] Some specific pricing [13:30] The majority of lawyers are near broke [17:10] The aversion to technology that the legal industry has, and why LegalZoom, while a competitor, is respected by Ashish Walia Website: