Side Quest Podcast

Twas the Night Before Gainsmas



Twas the night before Gainsmas, when all through the gym Bulkers were crushing supersets, as the lights went dim Their reps must be finished, no set went undone Because gains must be made before the next summer’s sun   Dreams of massive shoulders and quads that rip seams Are all nestled deep in the coldest winter dreams The mirror reflects our amazing mystique Our eyes soak up the glory of our god-like physique   You spend Sunday morning in the kitchen making clatter Chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, you are the nutrition master All nestled in Tupperware to be ready in a flash For you consume it all, nothing goes in the trash   Your mood becomes somber as the winter descends Seasonal moods change when the warm summer ends Your mind will crave carbs on the long winter’s night Serotonin will flow and keep you sleeping tight     Rested and ready you’ll turn up the volume Carving out muscles like a modern day golem Your chest, back, and shoulders often will swell And trust me your legs will feel hotter than hell T