Side Quest Podcast

What Ancient Texas Can Teach You About Your Goals



  Texas. It's a state rich with history, Diverse in its landscape, and filled with a sense of pride that only those from Texas truly understand.   Texas was once at the bottom of the ocean. An ancient ocean that separated the eastern United States from the west. Known as Western Interior Seaway, this ancient sea teemed with animals and fauna. Ancient life that lived, died, sank to the ocean floor, and became the fossil fuels and oil that made Texas famous. In the last year, I've spend a couple of weeks in Texas and she's taught me something, a valuable lesson that only occurred to me while driving around her picturesque country side. We all know the cliche: "everything's bigger in Texas." And there's a truth to that cliche. But a few million years ago, the big Texas sky was nothing more than an ocean.  As I rode around Texas, traveling from North Texas near the OK border, down to Austin, and then around outlying areas of the state capital, I couldn't help but think about Texas now vs Texas then. How if a fish