Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

160: Dr. Keith Berkowitz Sounding The Alarm On An Underused But Effective COVID-19 Protocol



It’s Thursday and that means another action packed episode of the realest talk on the internet–Real Talk with Jimmy Moore and Dr. Will Cole. Dr. Keith Berkowitz joins us to talk about a protocol for treating Covid-19 that he believes is being underused right now. “Inflammation is the real problem with all disease. The virus doesn’t kill many people, it’s the inflammation.” – Dr. Keith Berkowitz “Those of us that don’t have Covid-19 need to be doing everything we can to support our immune system.” – Dr. Will Cole “This underscores why nutrient density is so important in our diets.” – Jimmy Moore Keith Wayne Berkowitz, M.D., is the Founder and Medical Director of the Center for Balanced Health. He combines expertise in both traditional and complementary medicine. Prior to starting the Center for Balanced Health, he was the Medical Director and Business Director of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine. He was an associate of Dr. Robert C. Atkins since 1999. Listen in today to hear Jimmy and Will talk