Side Quest Podcast

Carter Good on The Fear of Success, Tipping Points, & Communing with Your Inner Kanye



Carter is an online fitness and weight loss coach who helps others achieve their goals of getting lean—and more importantly—staying healthy for life. What makes Carter unique is his personal experience of overcoming obesity and losing 140+ pounds. What's more, he's been able to keep it off. Carter writes about and teaches his clients about prioritizing enjoyment over what might seem "optimal". He believes that the only way to be successful in the long run is Carter writes about and teaches his clients about prioritizing enjoyment over what might seem "optimal". He believes that the only way to be successful in the long run is turn Fitness into an enjoyable and rewarding lifestyle.   In this episode we discuss: Last names and kids in school His story Tipping points Inside out vs outside in approach Who he looked up to on his journey Taking pride in what he’s done Putting in the work What he learned that he didn’t expect to learn on his journey Weight loss doesn’t change the way people interact with you The fea