Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

175: Darryl Edwards On Movement, Health, And The Fight For Social Justice



It’s Thursday and that means another action-packed episode of the realest talk on the internet–Real Talk with Jimmy Moore and Dr. Will Cole. Dr. Cole is taking a few weeks off so today Jimmy is joined by Primal Play creator Darryl Edwards. “When we first met Crossfit and others were popular, focusing on elite athletes. I connected with your work because you focused on people like me, regular people.” – Jimmy Moore “One of the downsides of this aspirational attitude on social media is that we only see success and not the real-life struggles that people have.” – Darryl Edwards After almost two decades working as a technologist in investment banking, and suffering from chronic lifestyle disease, Darryl Edwards from transformed his health after adopting an ancestral model to well-being. Darryl now advises people on maintaining a healthy lifestyle – amidst the epidemic of obesity and other chronic lifestyle diseases. As the founder of the PRIMAL PLAY methodology, he makes functional fitness activi