Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

185: Shawn Wells On Being Fueled By Hate, Ultraprocessed Foods, And COVID-19 Insanity



It’s Thursday and that means another action-packed episode of the realest talk on the internet–Real Talk with Jimmy Moore and Dr. Will Cole. Dr. Cole is taking a few weeks off so today Jimmy is joined by Shawn Wells. “Let’s put people in a metabolic ward where we can get good data. Why doesn’t that ever happen?” - Jimmy Moore “There are all these food studies where they give high fructose corn syrup and rancid, processed fats and you get the worst possible reaction.” - Shawn Wells Shawn Wells MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN (@ingredientologist) is the world’s leading nutritional biochemist and expert on Health Optimization. He has formulated over 500 supplements, food, beverages, and cosmeceuticals and patented 10 novel ingredients and is now known as the Ingredientologist – the scientist of ingredients. Formerly a Chief Clinical Dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience, he has counseled thousands of people on natural health solutions such as keto, paleo, fasting, and supplements. He has also personal