Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

200: Jennifer Isenhart Brings The Science Of Keto To Her FAT FICTION Documentary



It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for the realest show on the internet, Real Talk with Jimmy Moore. Join us today as Jimmy chats with Jennifer Isenhart. “One of the driving forces for me was the type-2 diabetes community. These people have been given bad advice.”  - Jennifer Isenhart Jennifer Isenhart has ushered dozens of projects from concept, through production, to completion—from Emmy award winning documentaries, to educational children’s programs, to brand marketing pieces, to commercial productions. She knows how to weave images, sound and message into memorable stories. Jimmy is pleased to welcome in the executive producer of the documentary film FAT FICTION named Jennifer Isenhart. The film features multiple scientists, medical doctors, and advocates for a low-carbohydrate, healthy fats approach to optimizing human health. With the persistence of the low-fat, high-carb message being promoted as the way to health, Jennifer unveils what is actually happening within the research that shows that far