Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

202: Rebekah Farmer On Identifying Narcissists And Abusive People In Relationships



It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for the realest talk on the internet, REAL TALK with Jimmy Moore. Today Jimmy welcomes Rebekah Farmer to the show. “It was impossible for him to see his own faults.”  - Rebekah Farmer Rebekah Farmer @tailoredketohealth was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 6th grade. In seventh grade, she ran into chronic pain. She was rushed to the emergency room with severe chest pains, and left with a diagnosis of costochondritis and degenerative disc. She was then diagnosed with OCD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, Narcolepsy, and a myriad of digestive issues such as gastroparesis, IBS, IBD, slow transit colon, Celiac and diverticulitis. Rebekah started regular Chiropractic treatments to address scoliosis and chronic pain. She went through multiple rounds of physical therapy, but symptoms continued to worsen. Shortly after graduating high school, she ran into chronic adrenal fatigue, crippling anxiety and pain so bad that she was bed bound. She had difficulty breathing, with frequent ep